Offshore Wind Lease Applications for Scotland Raises $1b

Foto: Mike Setchell / Unsplash

A Near $1b in Bids Submitted for Scotland Offshore Wind Lease


The Scottish Government has aimed an initiative at developing an estimated 7,000 square kilometers of seabed for renewable energy projects and accepted application bids totaling an estimated $954m for the Sectoral Marine Plan.

In aim of the project, out of the 74 applications submitted, only `17 were selected and of those, six were listed as “fixed” technology, ten listed “floating” and one “mixed”.

Collectively, all projects have the capacity to account for an estimated 24.8 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy.

Simon Hodge, Chief Executive of Crown Estate Scotland said, “Today’s results are a fantastic vote of confidence in Scotland’s ability to transform our energy sector. Just a couple of months after hosting COP26, we’ve now taken a major step towards powering our future economy with renewable electricity.”

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