Video: By sea, by land, and by jet pack — Royal Marines do a James Bond

Image: RN.
Image: RN.

Britain’s Royal Marines board vessel at sea

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Footage released by the Royal Navy shows its marines have a yet another novel way of boarding a vessel at sea, this time by jet pack.

The video shows the trial of a Take on Gravity jet pack. Taking off backwards from a RM rib, the pilot lifts off and skims over the waves in pursuit of a navy ship. In typically nonchalant RM fashion, the pilot gives a nod to his comrades as he passes over them.

In seconds, the marine is aboard the vessel and deploys a rope ladder so that the rest of the boarding team can access the ship’s deck. While the technology is relatively new, the applications for use in maritime security and the wider maritime industry are broad.

Take on Gravity is based on the Goodwood Estate near Chichester in the UK and is taking orders for your very own jet suit now.

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