Commodore Jude Terry becomes Royal Navy’s first woman admiral

Image: RN.
Image: RN.

For the first time in the centuries-long history of the Royal Navy, a woman officer will be appointed to the rank of admiral.

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Next week, Commodore Jude Terry will make history by becoming the Royal Navy’s first-ever woman admiral.

Commodore Terry has been selected for promotion to rear admiral — making her the most senior woman in Britain’s senior service.

The 47-year-old will take over as the Navy’s Director of People and Training, and Naval Secretary.

Of making history she says simply “someone has to be first”. She continued:

“I have always thought of myself as a naval officer first, then a logistics officer, then Jude and finally as a female. The Navy genuinely doesn’t look at your gender and is an equal opportunities employer – it wants you to be part of a team and deliver outputs to support operations.”

Commodore Terry hails from a naval family and joined the Navy in 1997.

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