Video: Wreckage of lost submarine found

Image: Indonesian Navy.
Image: Indonesian Navy.

The Indonesian Navy has confirmed that the wreck of the missing submarine, KRI Nanggala, has been found in three pieces at a depth of 800 metres.

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The Indonesian navy has located the wreck of the KRI Nanggala and confirmed that there are no survivors. The vessel’s status has been officially changed to “sunk”, with the presumption that none of the 53 crew aboard survived the disaster.

The submarine lost contact last Wednesday as it was given permission to conduct a torpedo drill. Floating debris was found on Saturday, leading searchers to conclude the vessel had broken up under extreme pressure.

“We found and confirmed an image of Nanggala submarine parts, like horizontal steering, anchor, exterior body, vertical steering, and other submarine parts like safety suits for crew,” said the commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto.

“Based on that authentic proof I declare here that the Nanggala submarine sank and all of the crew died.”

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