MAIB releases findings of Galwad-Y-Mor report

Report cites external source as cause of explosion.
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has released the findings of its initial investigation into the explosion on 15th December that caused damage and abandonment of the potting vessel Galwad-Y-Mor (BRD116) 22nm N of the coast of Cromer, Norfolk. The Galwad-Y-Mor was potting grounds east of the Wash when at about 1120 the crew alerted the skipper to excessive tension in the haul rope.
An instant later an explosion lifted the vessel from the surface. When she landed all electrical and motive power had been lost. The skipper was dazed but conscious and quickly realised several crew members were badly injured. Seeing water entering the engine bay he ordered the crew to abandon ship.
Although the liferaft had been deployed, the crew members were rescued by the offshore support vessel Esvagt Njord. The Galwad-Y-Mor, riding low in the water, was then towed to Grimsby by the GPS Avenger.
The MAIB states in its report that the explosion was caused by an external source, possibly unexploded munitions that were dredged up with the catch. It found that the only reason the vessel remained afloat was because of the two watertight bulkheads either side of the engine compartment and concludes that there was nothing the crew could have done to avert the accident.