Situation at Yantian “looking up” says Maersk

Image: YICT
Image: YICT

Maersk strikes a more positive note as congestion at Port of Yantian eases.


According to container giant, Maersk, congestion at the Port of Yantian has eased somewhat, with yard density falling to 65%, productivity rising to 85% and waiting times cut by half a day.

“This is first and foremost a health concern for the people of South China and our first thoughts and efforts are with the people affected by this wave of COVID including our many colleagues, customers and suppliers who live and work in that part of the world,” said Ahmed Bashir, Head of Global Execution Centre, Maersk.

“I’m glad to report that the situation in Yantian has improved a lot over the last 10 days or so and we’ve begun the process of repatriating services and we expect that to be complete in the next two to three weeks,” said Bashir.

Neighbouring Shekou, Nansha and Hong Kong are all still experiencing delays, with high yard densities and waiting times between three and four days.

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