Maritime Union of Australia calls for more action related to crew change crisis


The union has asked the Australian government to address the crew change crisis.

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By Michael McGrady, Maritime Direct Americas & Pacific Correspondent

SYDNEY — A COVID-19 outbreak on a bulk carrier off the Pilbara coast has asked the national government to address the crew change crisis finally. That said, the Maritime Union of Australia has blamed the country for not taking urgent steps to improve the current crew change arrangement and implement testing arrangements for all seafarers on international vessels. This also includes requests for the government to develop vaccination policies that address domestic and international vaccinations for seafarers.

“As an island nation, Australia is reliant on shipping to transport our exports to the world and maintain supplies of essential goods,” said Paddy Crumlin, the national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia. “This COVID outbreak on a ship undertaking Australian trade highlights the need for the Federal Government to take immediate steps to secure the nation’s supply chains by addressing deficiencies in quarantine and crew change arrangements.”

Crumlin added: “By implementing best-practice quarantine arrangements, Australia could facilitate the safe replacement of maritime crews, ensuring the seafarers joining the vessels that carry Australia’s goods are COVID-free.” COVID-19 isolated several thousands of crew members across the world. Current stakeholder information indicates that the crisis persists.

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