Swire Bulk Now Accepting Containers on Deck

Dry Bulk Owners in Asia Open to Accepting Containers on Deck
Sources in Hong Kong have advised that Pacific Basin, a dry bulk owner is now offering box shipments on their fleet. Swire Bulk is following closely with their announcement that they will be now be moving containers on their fleet of bulk carriers.
Swire Bulks General Manager, Rob Aarvold states, “It’s obviously less efficient to stow containers on a bulk vessel, but it can provide critical supply chain support for shippers that have urgent requirements,”
A notice was generated in past weeks to dry bulk owners by various P&I Clubs of advice to anyone interested in shipping containers.
The North P&I stated, “It’s unusual for a bulk carrier to be fitted out with suitable fittings, equipment and lashings to fulfill this obligation without modification and strengthening of cargo securing arrangements. Additional equipment may be required as well as a need to perform additional strength and stability assessments. Crew capabilities should be also assessed.”