Worlds First 100K Deep-Water Semi-Submersible FPSO to be Produced

The Shen Hai Yi Hao will begin production following installation at Lingshui (LS) 17-2 gas field in the South China Sea, and be operated by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC).
China’s offshore development capability will get a huge boost from the new structure, which extends the exploration depth from 300m to 1500m ultra-deep water, which is also China’s first deep water FPSO.
This is the first FPSO to have condensate oil storage in the four semi-submersible columns with a maximum storage capacity of nearly 20,000 cu m; the largest span of the semi-submersible truss-type topside in the world of up to 49.5m and the first wet in-dock semi-stool assembly technology conducted on land. Even the development of a new sort of platform for this type of construction has reached a new world record for efficiency.