US sailor charged for arson attack on USS Bonhomme Richard

The US Navy has confirmed that it has charged one of its sailors for an alleged arson attack on the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard.
An unidentified sailor has been charged for allegedly setting fire to the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard in 2020. The US Navy reports that an investigation into the circumstances of the fire is ongoing.
The fire started in a lower hold on 12th July 2020 as the ship was alongside in San Diego. High winds and open ventilation shafts contributed to the blaze which destroyed approximately 60% of the ship’s interior compartments. 63 sailors sustained minor injuries bringing the fre under control.
“On July 29, charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) were brought against a Navy sailor in response to evidence found during the criminal investigation into the fire started on USS Bonhomme Richard on July 12, 2020,” said Cmdr. Sean Robertson, U.S. 3rd Fleet spokesperson in a prepared statement for the press.
“Evidence collected during the investigation is sufficient to direct a preliminary hearing in accordance with due process under the military justice system.”