U.S. to Build New Military Base in Pacific Ocean

Photo by Ragnar Vorel/Unsplash
Photo by Ragnar Vorel/Unsplash

New U.S. Military Base Planned for Pacific Ocean

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The US Indo-Pacific Command and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) agreed in July to create a military base in the island nation which is a archipelago 3,700 miles from Hawaii.

Some FSM citizens have concerns about the ramifications of building such base and are not keen on the military expansion in the region.

A 41 year old resident in the US territory of Guam, Sam Illesugam stated, “Any time there is a sudden change to the land, you affect our identity as Native islanders,” he said. “This will alter the social landscape of our islands. Our islands are very, very small. Any type of changes to our lifestyle will greatly affect us.”

Other details about the new base have not been expressed.

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